MSU Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)

        Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development) is a development approach that meets the needs of the current generation. without depriving it of its ability to meet the needs of future generations (Brundtland Report, 1987).

        At the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2015, at the United Nations Headquarters in Thailand, with all 193 member states of the United Nations present, they collectively signed and endorsed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030, known as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This framework outlines global development efforts towards achieving sustainable social, economic, and environmental development collectively, leaving no one behind. The SDGs serve as a guide for each country to collaborate on achieving sustainable development objectives by the year 2030.

        The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of 17 goals comprising 169 targets that are internationally recognized, interconnected, and mutually supportive. Additionally, there are 247 indicators established to monitor and evaluate the progress of development. The SDGs can be grouped according to interconnected factors into five dimensions (5Ps), which are:
              1. People: Prioritize addressing poverty, hunger, and inequality in society.
              2. Planet: Emphasize the protection and preservation of natural resources and climate for future generations.
              3. Prosperity: Promote well-being for all while aligning with nature.
              4. Peace: Uphold principles of peaceful coexistence, fostering peaceful and inclusive societies.
              5. Partnership: Collaborate across all sectors to drive sustainable development agendas.

The Importance of Sustainable Development

        Sustainable development is crucial for the future of the world and humanity. Our world is facing numerous challenges such as climate change, pollution, resource scarcity, and social inequality. Sustainable development offers a framework to address these problems and create a better future for the next generations.

This involves considering three main dimensions:

              1. Economic Growth: Sustainable economic development entails fostering inclusive and fair economic growth that does not burden the environment or society.
              2. Social Inclusion: Sustainable social development aims to build peaceful, just, and equitable societies where everyone has equal access to resources and social services.
              3. Environmental Protection: Sustainable environmental development involves preserving the balance of ecosystems and utilizing natural resources sustainably.

The involvement of various sectors:

        Sustainable development is a collective responsibility involving government, private sector, civil society, and the general public. Each sector plays a significant role in driving sustainable development forward.
