MSU Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)

        This goal is aim to eradicate the poverty of those who lack access to sufficient and nutritious food worldwide. The goal is to ensure that everyone has adequate and high-quality food every day, regardless of their location. Sustainable development in this context focuses on establishing sustainable food production and distribution systems to provide essential food resources to those in need. This involves sustainable agriculture and trade practices to support long-term food access for everyone, preventing financial and environmental risks, and creating opportunities for vulnerable groups to access and enhance their ability to access food resources sustainably. It also involves sustainable support for childcare and health in early childhood. Therefore, the goal's significance lies in ensuring that everyone has enough and high-quality food every day without anyone succumbing to hunger in the long run. This is achieved through sustainable systems and significant action plans to eliminate hunger in all dimensions of the global population.

Subgoal 2.1

    To end hunger and establish guarantees for everyone, especially the impoverished and vulnerable, including infants, to have access to safe, nutritious, and adequate food throughout the year by the year 2573 B.E.

Subgoal 2.2

    To end all forms of malnutrition and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly, by the year 2573 B.E., including achieving agreed-upon targets among countries for stunting and wasting in children under five years old by the year 2568 B.E.

Subgoal 2.3

    To increase agricultural productivity and income for small-scale food producers, particularly women, indigenous peoples, household farmers, livestock herders, and fishermen, by doubling access to land, resources, production factors, knowledge, financial services, markets, and off-farm employment opportunities in a sustainable and equitable manner by the year 2573 B.E.

Subgoal 2.4

    To ensure sustainable food production systems and implement agricultural practices with resilience to enhance productivity and production, which will help maintain ecosystems, strengthen adaptation to climate change, extreme weather events, droughts, floods, and other disasters, and improve soil quality and land continuously by the year 2573 B.E.

Subgoal 2.5

    To maintain the genetic diversity of plant seeds used for cultivation, animals in farmland, and household settings, as well as natural breeds related to plants and animals. This includes ensuring the existence of well-managed and diverse seed banks and gene banks at the national, regional, and international levels and ensuring access to and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources and indigenous knowledge, as agreed among countries by the year 2563 B.E.

Subgoal 2.A

    To increase investments and enhance international cooperation in rural infrastructure development, agricultural research and technology development, and seed banks for plants and animals to enhance agricultural production capabilities in developing countries, especially the least developed countries.

Subgoal 2.B

    To address and prevent trade barriers and distortions in the global agricultural market, including measures to eliminate export subsidies for agricultural products and export restrictions on all forms of exports that have similar effects, in accordance with the development round's outcome.

Subgoal 2.C

    To adopt measures to ensure that food and derivative markets can function properly and provide timely access to market and nutritional information to mitigate severe food price fluctuations.